"Science without psychology is not definity science."

Science without psychology is definitely not science.

This is default featured slide 3 title

Science without psychology is definitely not science.

This is default featured slide 4 title

Science without psychology is definitely not science.

This is default featured slide 5 title

Science without psychology is definitely not science.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Blogpost 11: GIFs That Will Help You In Your "PROBLEMS"

There's a saying that MATH is equal to "Mental Abuse To Humans" because of it's confusing problems but did you know that it is just a poetry of logical ideas? Now, I will show you how math, that we think is complicated can turn to a simple thing.

There's an article I've read entitled "21 GIFs That Explains Mathematical Concepts" by Lisa Winter from the website www.iflscience.com. Here, she displays different GIFs that can help us dominate our exams!

How to Create an Ellipse
  Pascal Triangles

FOIL to multiply binomials.

Matrix Transpositions

Drawing a Parabola

What Pythagorean Theorem Is All About

Dealing with Pi

Sine and Cosine Apply To Triangles

Arc of a circle (same) = one radian

Lisa also added that "If you need help remembering the quadratic formula, sing it to the tune of “Pop Goes The Weasel” and you will remember it for the rest of your life. “X equals opposite B, plus or minus the square root of B squared minus 4AC, all over 2A."

Math is really confusing. In fact, many people give up because it is really hard and complicated. But, let us always think that numbers are the highest degree of knowledge. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Blogpost 10: You Can't Have A Rainbow Without A Rain

Nowadays, most of the people pride themselves on their productivity and busyness. They spend each of their day with their work, technology, and activities that leave a small room for something else. However, it's possible for their busy days to become unbalanced from their original purpose. They might become so establish in their feveric routine that the real meaning of activities begin to lose it's meaning. They will feel like they are simply going in the right direction but it is not really. They will begin to feel that their life is not making a contrast or what they are doing and how hard you are doing is not moving you to the path that you hope you want to take. Life is busy and challenging but this things have no purpose. This things can be the environmental cause of depression in a major factor but it extend beyond just strengthening the joy of others. People remember how what we said, but they will not forget the feeling that you gave to them.  

There's an article I've read entitled Happiness With Others 10: Leave A Trail Of Happiness by Russel Grieger from the website www.psychologytoday.com. It tells about what goes around comes around. 

If you are experiencing this nothing feeling of depression, maybe this is the time for you to make your routine right and focus in your life. While you can say that there are many part of your routine that you can't change, you may be suprised at how many things you can do in your life. One of the card to overcome this depression is to be honestly and realistically examine your life and then expand a plan to change the things that you know in your control. You may be unwilling to do this task for fear of making you more depressed but the real objective of doing this is not to create a list of all the things that are wrong with your life rather taking the things that will help you to classify the changeable and unchangeable things in your life to move forward and to be in the world of meaningless. 

Here are the some simple steps that Grieger said to his article:

  1. Think carefully and reflect on your daily activities. Create a list of all the things that you do everyday, leaving space after each item. Begin with the minute you wake up and write down the things that you are doing until you sleep at night.
  2. Write down the reasons for doing this kind of activities each day. Are they really for you or for someone else? Are your reasons for doing this activities is the same today as when you started? Have the cause changed? Have you changed?
  3. Next to the reason you are doing this, note down how the activity makes you feel and if you look forward to each activity. Ask yourself if this brings you happiness or anxiety?
  4. Think if this activities are changeable. Ask yourself again of what will happen if you stop doing this activity.
  5. Then on a new paper, write down your dreams, goals and activities that bring you happiness and make you truly fulfilled. 
  6. Next is write down the steps that would need to take to include these activities in your daily life. 
  7. Last but not the least, compare the list. What changes that will make today your first list to bring you closer to the right path?
Jants said to his article that "It's time to actively and intentionally participate in the course of your life." This means that we should do something about us being busy. Let's change the negative things in our daily routine life. Move out and explore and the world. 

We live in our lives feeling like observers instead of active champions with the power to choose our decision. Remember that too much is bad, "Wu Ji Bi Fan" from the one of the most known movie Karate Kid.

Blogpost 9: Introvert or Extrovert?

Being introvert is not about "alone." It's not about being uncertain around other people. Introversion is about being less involved or to be the center of attention. When you are in a spotlight, it is not an important thing to be involved in it. "The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking." says Cain S. 
Extrovert, in difference, love being the social attention. It ignite them and bring out their best qualities. 

But you, who are reading this blog cannot be easily defined if you are classified as an introvert or extrovert. I've read an article entitled  "Are You Really an Introvert or Extrovert?" by Todd B. Kashdan from the website www.psychologytoday.com. He discussed about the personality style that changes in predictable ways. 

There are many people who's characteristics changes in different ways. Psychologist call them "situationally bound extroverts." Todd share something in his life. Large dinner parties where the guest are sitting around a table in a suitable manner pull his introverted side. Anyone who are in the party can confirm this. Being introvert doesn't mean that his more introspective,defensive,creative, anxious and talk less. What it really means is that his not interested being the center of attention because he doesn't find it as interesting. He would like to have short conversation than sharing stories or humor.Like him, the extroverted behaviors might be awkward in easily ways. Considering a short social situations:

  • Unclear rules and standards
  • Clear power of imbalance between you and others present
  • Desiring outcome conflicts with someone else's
  • Open to a possible sexual or romantic conversation when there are more strangers than friends that are there
The important thing is to discover the strong situations that pull the sides of your personality (extroversion or introversion). The same as the importance that can be said for knowing what will happen in a situations when you are in a spotlight is like a bad thing than a good thing. The parent that knows this can react easily about the change of his kids. The romantic partner that know something about this can create more loving atmosphere for a lifetime.

Todd said to his article that "Don't let yourself be classified as any simpler than necessary." This means that we should not let ourselves be classified as easily to understand.It would be better if we are going to be known as determined, existing and most important thing is to be needed.